Lc. Luminosa x Rlc. Toshi Aoki Pizzaz


Lc. Luminosa x Rlc. Toshi Aoki Pizzaz


Young plant

a cross between Lc. Luminosa and Rlc. Toshi Aoki Pizzaz the plants are flowering in one year

Growth conditions:

Pot-grown plant Pot-grown plant
Plant size ca. Plant size ca. 15 cm
Flower size ca. Flower size ca. 15-19 cm
Semishade Semishade
Moderately damp Moderately damp
Temperate to warm Temperate to warm
Flowering month June - September
Rest period No rest period
ManureFertilize 2-3 times a month during the growing season


Price: EUR 18.00
incl. VAT

In stock

Date Added: 06/22/2022

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