Dracula exasperata


Dracula exasperata


Flowering size orchid

this rare species comes from southern Colombia and grows cool to temperate at altitudes up to 2000 m. It tolerates the heat in summer when it is kept shady, airy and moist

Growth conditions:

Pot-grown plant Pot-grown plant
Basket-grown plant Basket-grown plant
Plant size ca. Plant size ca. 10-12 cm
Flower size ca. Flower size ca. 16 cm
Semishade Semishade
Damp Damp
Cool to temperate Cool to temperate
Flowering month February - May
Rest period No rest period
Manure 2-3 times a month from February to October on the leaves with liquid fertilizer


Price: EUR 35.00 EUR 29.00
incl. VAT

In stock

Date Added: 04/03/2020

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